Leonardo Rizzo

Leonardo Rizzo portrait, sitting on a step up to a door
Leonardo Rizzo portrait, sitting on a step up to a door


About me

In addition to this, Leonardo Rizzo studied composition. Among his first teachers, he fondly remember Prof. Sergio Lanza and Prof. Matteo Pittino. In 2015, he moved to Krakow, where he was admitted to the composition class of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music under the supervision of Prof. Wojciech Widłak. He completed there his first and second cycle studies (bachelor and master) in composition in 2019 and 2021, respectively.

He took part in courses and masterclasses with composers such as Mark André, Zygmunt Krauze, Pierre Jadlowski, Juste Janulite, as well as the Italians Rossella Spinosa, Franscesco Filidei and Oscar Bianchi. He collaborated with ensembles such as Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Contemporary Ensemble, Orchestra Corda Cracovia, and soloists such as Anna Pavlova (piano) and Marina Tokarenko (organ).

Leonardo's works have been performed at international contemporary music festivals, such as:

Warsaw Autumn (2022),
Festival Nuovi Spazi Musicali di Ascoli Piceno (2022),
International festival of Cracow's composers (2023),
All Souls' Day Organ Festival. Jan Jargoń (2023).

Leonardo Rizzo in a turtle neck sweater holding a piece of paper
Leonardo Rizzo in a turtle neck sweater holding a piece of paper
Leonardo in a brown sweater and jeans standing in the snow
Leonardo in a brown sweater and jeans standing in the snow

Leonardo was born in 1991 in Palermo. He started his piano studies at 11. Later he was admitted to the A. Scontrino conservatory in Trapani under the supervision of Prof. Domenico Picciché. He graduated in Piano in 2013 (bachelor degree) and 2015 (master degree), respectively.

From an early age, Leonardo played concerts as a soloist and piano accompanist, performing in Italy and abroad. It is worth mentioning the cooperation with the flutist Sebastian Domingo. In 2015, he improved his piano skills at the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow under the supervision of Prof. Marek Szlezer.

Leonardo won the 1st prize at the 13th and 15th National Competition for young musicians Città di Palermo, the 3rd prize at the 1st National Music Competition for young musicians Città di Bagheria.


I am available for commissions and collaboration projects. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me!